Wednesday, 26 July 2017

To the forest!

…although I was tempted to title this Babes in the Wood!!

A pleasantly-warm day with sunshine and clouds.  We decide to investigate the path in La Foret Communale de Damvillers.

When I said investigate, perhaps I should have said explore - not so much a footpath, more an obstacle course! No clearly-defined path and when there was a little something to resemble one, the way was blocked with cut-down branches and twigs. There were many log piles and we wonder how and where it would be possible for a vehicle to get in to collect them.

Next one for the chop?

Nature reclaiming.

A pretty and natural arrangement.

Ron didn’t take his stick (although soon found a suitable discarded branch to do the job) and I was glad I’d taken my walking stick but, in spite of all, it was an interesting and enjoyable experience. But my burning, locked-up back was more than happy to make it to the picnic table for a short respite before heading back home for a much-needed and very welcome cuppa. My back can lock up just making a sandwich in the kitchen so what-the-hell - at least we got some fresh air and exercise in pretty surroundings.


  1. Such a shame about your back, but it sounds and looks like an enjoyable excursion. You'll be getting into as many pickles as i do if you're not careful!
    Love the photos of the fungi and the jack-in-the-pulpit, cuckoo pint or lords-and ladies!

  2. I spotted quite a bit on the ground - had to to watch where I was walking! lol Yes, it was enjoyable. Thanks.
