Wednesday, 19 July 2017

Meuse TGV

This afternoon we were able to re-pay one of the very many favours done for us by kind friends and meet them from the Paris train and get them back home.

Since our first visit to the station, soon after it was opened, the car park has been extensively extended and is well used.  It is, however, in my opinion, not signed enough en route - it is as if it is a well-kept secret hidden in the countryside! But we found it...

Added attraction!

Part of a huge field of sunflowers en route.
Plenty of sunshine for the flowers to raise up their heads to - back in the thirties again today...time for a cooling Campari over ice with orange juice - years ago we named it a * sunset...the * filled in with the name of the place we are, i.e. Fenland, Sheringham.  So, today, it's a Meuse sunset. Cheers!


  1. There's a real sense of space in these photos, Ida. The Meuse sunset sounds very tempting too, especially in that heat!

  2. It really is tucked away in wide sweeps of countryside. I can recommend the drink - delicious!
