Monday 31 July 2017

Summer afternoon.

31C again today, some sun, some cloud but dry.

We drove through the beautiful Meuse countryside - through Ecuréy-en-Verdunois, up through forested hills to the open plateau of farmland at Haraumont (“Made it, Ma.! Top of the world!” - James Cagney in White Heat…that always goes through my mind when here - although it’s not that high but the views are lovely.)

We then went down and on to Dun-sur-Meuse where we turned left, across the bridge over the River Meuse, then a narrow turning to the right to  Les ballastières at Doulcon.  There were many people sitting by the river and fishing.  We took the first turning to the left and discovered part of the lake complex we had not seen before - a very pretty area with three lakes and well-cared-for grounds.

The clouds parted and we sat at a picnic table and enjoyed the scenes and the sunshine.

We were entertained by two jays - but one flew off before I could snap the pair!

We returned home via Consenvoye and stopped off at the Bar by the river - small beer for Ron, a Ricard with ice and water and a petit café for me.  Afterwards we sat for a while by the "cut", where a few boats can moor, then crossed the small pedestrian bridge for a stroll along the far side.

I should have got closer but didn't want to distract the man who was fishing with a very long pole!

Ducks in the "cut".

The last time I took a photo of this by a small weir, it was covered in ice!

Lovely places and a lovely afternoon.


  1. Isn't it remarkable how many times you can visit a place and still find somewhere new? It looks as though you had a splendid afternoon, and the photos are smashing. The portraits of you and Ron are my faves today!

  2. Yes, I'm surprised we still find new places as we've explored the area pretty well over the past ten years! Glad you like the photos. :-) xx
