Saturday 28 June 2014

Friday evening, Saturday morning

Friday evening

as rain clouds build
the heat wave is about to splash
fish spot insects and crash out
rippling surfaces of lakes and river
in concentric circles
house-martins and swifts
wheel and swoop -
they will not got hungry to bed
drooping flowers will be erect
come morning or bowed under a torrent
wooden chimes clank and clatter in the rising wind
leaves are torn from branches,
scattered along roads and pavements
and cluster in gutters and cover drains
we hold our breath and wait
wait - hang on - something’s changed
the sky clears and sun shines
the wind blew more than the leaves

Saturday morning

now it comes
light and heavy showers
from a grey blanket
this blanket does not warm
it’s not just the rain that drops


  1. Hi Ida,
    Vivid description of your recent weather, and the way it can sometimes be slightly out of kilter with our expectations and forecasts. Sounds much like our recent experiences too, though today is sunny!

  2. We do have similar weather with extra highs and lows at each end at times. Saturday afternoon was so damp and gloomy, we lit the log fire! Now back to warm and sunny weather. Thanks, Alison.
