Saturday, 17 May 2014

You never know what’s around the corner…

We were discussing this subject with friends recently. It doesn’t take long for the proof to come along.

After a happy evening, morning and an enjoyable car ride exploring new areas not too far from home, this afternoon came the very sad news that an old friend has died.

She was taken into hospital when we were in England a month or so ago and not far from our last port of call. Friends there understood when we excused ourselves after lunch on the day we arrived.

Our friend in hospital was so surprised and really pleased to see us. It had been decided that she was no longer able to live on her own, in spite of family help, and a nice residential and nursing home had been found and she was looking forward to moving there. They kept her in hospital to get her more stable and apparently she had been much brighter yesterday. This morning at 5.30 while nurses where in her room, she took a gasping breath and slipped away. A blessing her end was quick and peaceful.

And we are so glad we had the opportunity to see her when we did.

It underlines the old carpe diem phrase - take opportunities as they come along for you may not get another chance.

R.I.P. Mary.

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