Tuesday, 6 May 2014



Life can be strange at times. Coincidences do happen.

A few years ago, when in Amsterdam, enjoying our coffee, six elderly people came into the café looking tired and badly in need of a rest and coffee. They had come off a cruise ship and did not have the correct currency and started to turn away from the counter looking dejected. We stepped in and insisted on buying them their obviously much-needed refreshment. They were very grateful and we chatted to them and discovered they lived in the same Essex village where we too had once lived. Mention was made of people that we too knew but none of us had met before.

Last year, in Malta, we chatted to another resident in the hotel and it transpired we had all lived in the same area of London, bordering Essex (as it then was!) but our paths had not crossed there.

More recently, an English couple arrived in France to manage another lake holiday business on the edge of our town, and we discovered they had come from the town on the North Norfolk coast where we had last lived in England. We knew the guy’s cousin but had not met them before.

I suppose coincidences like these crop up in others’ lives too but these are just a few that have happened to us.


  1. I'm sure mathematicians will give us a reasonable probability of such things happening, but they are great fun when they do!
    We met someone who used to teach in the same school as we did - on top of the Empire State Building some years ago.

  2. A long way to go to meet your colleagues, Alison! lol

    1. We'd all moved on by then. :-)

    2. Reminds me of the time, when we were living in N. Cambs, and decided to go to Paris. We walked up to Montmartre, turned a corner and there was a couple from home. We all laughed. We told them 'we came here to get away from Wisbech'...'so did we!' they said. We all chuckled then moved off - in opposite directions! lol
