Wednesday, 18 October 2017

October in centre ville.

The town trees were pollarded last week - it keeps their shape and means no leaves to sweep up!  With the disappearance of the leaves, I took my camera out this afternoon, in hot sunshine, to capture the flowers in the town centre before they too disappear…

Post Office car park

Place Liegois by the Mairie.

Between place Marechal Gérard and place de la Déese

Small roundabout with flower bed below statue of Marechal Gérard

As above from the other side

The last rose of summer?
Some of the flowers and grasses are "going over" but the town still looks colourful.


  1. Everywhere looks so bright in your pictures! I'm just a teeny bit envious!

  2. We really have been lucky with the weather this week - lots of sunshine, very warm, even hot at times, but not the draining heatwaves that we had quite a few of in spring/summer. A real golden October!
