Saturday, 4 March 2017

Quick outing.

It was bright and sunny but, as we got ready to go out, the sun disappeared behind grey clouds. We realised rain wouldn’t be far behind so decided on a quick outing, heading up through the pretty countryside around Reville-aux-bois, up through forested hills and down to Sivry-sur-Meuse in the valley. We parked by the river, sat on a bench and just had time to throw a little bread into the water - although no sign of fish or fowl - take a couple of photos and the first, fat raindrops started to fall.

We took a different route home via the heights of Haraumont, where the valleys each side were filled with misty rain…

Raindrops on the windscreen on the way to Haraumont.

…then on to Ecuery-en-Verdunois where we were in the right place at the right time to do our good deed for the day by picking up a man walking  in the now steady rain and were able to give him a lift to his destination, 4.7km away at Damvillers - coincidentally the little town where we live.

Indoors, a reprise of my last post on my blog - rain sliding down the window panes and, soon after, a log fire burning brightly.


  1. I thought I'd already posted this - so feel free to remove one of the comments if both appear! It's usually a good move to go out, even if the weather isn't promising.
    Very kind of you to offer the solitary walker a lift as well!

  2. Only one comment showing, Alison - so far anyway! Yes, always good to take a break and we were obviously meant to! I had just said to Ron that I wondered if the guy needed a lift when he did the thumbs-up hitch sign. Good to be of use.
