Friday, 8 November 2019


 We enjoyed a short break - Monday afternoon to Friday morning - this week at Warner’s Coastal Village at Corton on the Suffolk coast.  We did wonder what weather awaited us this first week in November and were pleasantly surprised to be blessed with many times of blue sky and sunshine, chilly of course but little rain and that mostly overnight. 

This was our home for the past few days…

A designated parking place opporite our front door.

The front door opened up into the bedroom with a TV opposite the bed.

An inner hallway off which a shower roon with toiler.  Also  hanging rail and small storage spaces.
At the end of the short hallway a door led to a sitting room with another TV, small 'fridge, kettle, etc. and door to another patio at the back on the cliff top.

The facilities were excellent.  Ron had been poorly for several days before we went but now very much better as the holiday worked its excellent birthday present for him.


  1. Sorry to hear that Ron hadn't been well. But pleased you enjoyed the break.
