Sunday, 10 March 2019

Didn’t it rain!

We hadn’t realised just how much rain we’d had in the last 24 hours until we saw the puddle - pond? - at the bottom of the garden this afternoon…

We have also had snow, hail and a few spells of dry, sunny weather.

The ditch at the front of the property is nearly full - and more rain is forecast over the next few days!

There are a lot of ditches and streams in the area so the outlook is somewhat worrying!!

After the lovely spring-like days in February, it seems winter has returned with a vengeance - days I call a Scorpion with a sting in its tail !!

p.s.  Dry and windy overnight and the following day so all water levels dropped a little.


  1. Now that is quite a puddle! We just had five minutes torrential rain, wind and hail this morning. Ferocious!

  2. I hate these high winds! Only good thing about the wind though is that the "puddle" has dried and water level in the ditches has dropped. We've had a mixture of everything this morning - still windy but bright and sunny at the moment.
