Thursday, 16 August 2018

It's a funny old world...

...but we may not always see the joke.

Late on Monday afternoon I had a nasty fall onto the patio.

The weather forecast had warned of heavy rain and thunderstorms on TV and when this was repeated on the radio we were listening to in the summer house, we thought it wise to decamp as the storms sounded imminent. Ron took a few things back indoors and I gathered up some others.

Thus my hands were full with bits and pieces and, on a hairsbreadth of gap between the patio slabs, my toes caught it and I went flying, not able to put out my hands to save myself but everything scattered as I hit the ground, full length on my front, the final clunk being my jaw next to my chin.  That jarred my skull particularly and my whole body. With Ron's help I gradually maneuvered myself onto my side, my back, t'other side and, leaning on a chair, a shelf and Ron eventually got upright.  I was left with a large, black bruise on my jaw, bruised knees and elbows and grazes on my forearms and a couple of fingers, a headache, pains at the base of my skull, my ribs plus woken-up arthritis pains on the back of my neck and shoulders.  But I think I was very lucky not to have broken any bones...just Ron's pipe which separated at the joint! Even a glass I was carrying bounced!!

It's a funny old world.  It didn't thunder let alone rain.  I blame the weather forecasters!

Each day since then I have gradually improved and on Wednesday it was a pleasure to welcome dear friends to our new home on a pre-arranged visit. Lovely to see them again and they lifted my spirits. 

But there's a funny old world story there too.  They hail from Sheringham, where we lived before our move to France - but we were all living in France before we met!  Now we all live in other parts of Norfolk and we look forward to visiting them on the Norfolk Broads where they live and work...providing I can keep upright that is!


  1. Oh dear I hope you're ok that sounds painful xxx

    1. Thanks. Left with a few aches and pains but they are getting better.

  2. I'm so pleased you didn't break any bones, Ida! And good that you were able to enjoy the visit from your friends.

  3. Somebody said that had my hands been free to put out I probably would have broken my wrist(s) - that was food for thought! lol Yes, a visit from friends came at just the right time. Thanks, Alison.
