Wednesday, 27 February 2019

February 2019

Always pleased to welcome Spring but mid February does seem somewhat early.  Worryingly we are told that it is one of the early signs of Climate Change as the next few years slip by. 

But at the moment it is lovely to feel the warmth of the sun and to see the sunshine light up the sky and the countryside and to enjoy the sights of early Spring.

In the garden...

 Bridging the seasons - holly and snow drops...

Hyacinths getting ready to bloom...

Celandines - I think...


Blossom attracting bees and bumblebees - you may spot one top centre of the first photo...

Any idea of the name of this shrub?


A colourful pheasant attracted by bird seed...

A tractor was in the greening field beyond the fence and hidden pond - but too early for me to catch it!
Three pigeons sunbathing at the top of pine trees.


  1. We should enjoy it while it's here! I think the shrub may be mahonia. And yes to celandine. Lovely pictures.

  2. Yes, carpe diem an' all that. Ah, mahonia - know the name but had forgotten. Thanks.
