Friday, 14 September 2018

Under attack!

Last week we spent a very pleasant evening with our neighbours who accepted our invitation to drinks, nibbles and chat.

After that, many things went downhill and I felt under attack on many fronts.

The mole invasion worsened from this…

…to even more mole hills which had been reported to the agent (the father of the owner - who lives in France!) but seemingly fell on deaf ears as he was planning a month away in France.

High winds, chilly and damp weather again woke up lower back  pain  and arthritis in my upper spine and my trigeminal neuralgia decided to join in with several days of viscous attacks when I was attempting to eat, drink, clean my teeth, wash my face, talk - face cream or make up was a definite no-no - and having to avoid winds or draughts on the left side of my face.

It all succeeded in dragging me down into depression and, man, I got the blues.

A few days later, with the wind dropping, the rain stopping, all aches and pains receded and glimpses of blue and sunny skies were a balm.

We ordered ultra-sonic mole-deterrent posts which didn’t stop the moles but, now a couple of days later, may, just may be having the desired effect.

Also, yesterday, the electrician came to wire up the summer house, a friend came to help with the weeding as Ron is no longer able to get down to ground level, thanks to his replacement knee as well as hip and our son-in-law made a surprise but welcome visit this afternoon. 

No wind, the only blues a blue and sunny sky and only a few niggles of the TN so far and I have enjoyed the silver behind these particular clouds.  Now the misery blues are the ones under attack with plans for some good social events on the horizon.


  1. I hope you're feeling better now. It's not always easy to keep the spirits up!

  2. Thank you, Alison. Felt it was coming at me from all quarters for a while but am feeling better now. xx
