We took the familiar route from Damvillers, over the Meuse Heights to Consenvoye but then turned left, by the Velo, driving on less-familiar roads to Mort d’Homme. We have been here in the past but not for some time. Such a peaceful spot now but pounded by the noise of shells and battle 100 years ago.
The battle lines. The red "explosions" denote destroyed villages only some of which have been re-built. |
The motto was "They shall not pass" - and they didn't but, oh, how high the cost. |
From there we took a road new to us (yes, we’re discovering there are are a few!) through Champ, a hamlet, and Neuvelle, a village, through pretty countryside with occasional sightings of the nearby River Meuse.
We came to a T-junction whose sign told us where we’d been but not where to go! I thought I recognised this main road so we turned right and I was proved right as we were soon in Vacherauville! Good to know the mind is still working!!
We decided to investigate the bottom of this small village where we were unable to stop the other day and, voila! the little car park was empty! We pull in and quickly find the canal path friends had told us about.
Although the main road is not far away, only a faint drone from the heavier vehicles could be heard. Picnic tables and benches line the path and we enjoyed listening to the birds and watching butterflies visiting the wild flowers which line the bank.
A pretty, peaceful place which we will return to.