The challenge was made...National Haiku Writing Month.
"Write one haiku a day, inspired by daily prompts, in February, which is National Haiku Writing Month—the shortest month for the shortest genre of poetry.
(Administered by )"
I made a good start with two on the first day! The prompts were
challenging; often I felt they were close to impossible, but I managed
to write something each day...some are more senryu than haiku, I've
included one-line haiku and, overall, some work better than others.
But...I did it.
Writing prompt word for February 1: NOW
in the quietness
dull Sunday afternoon
eyelids droop
Andy Murray
loses to Djokovic
in Melbourne
Writing prompt word for February 2: NOISILY
Monday morning
the city comes alive
rush hour
Writing prompt word for February 3: NERVOUSLY
a large black tom-cat
pads along the sideboard
she eyes the glass vase
Writing prompt word for February 4: NAKEDLY
stripped ~
a leafless tree
faces winter
Writing prompt word for February 5: NON STOP
a haiku a day
keep going
Writing prompt word for February 6 - NONCHALANTLY
she appeared not to care
but was heartbroken
Writing prompt word for February 7: NEAREST.
nearest and dearest
it is her birthday today
our loving daughter
Writing prompt word for February 8: NATIVE
how many are left
in their native lands?
world melting pot
Writing prompt word for February 9: NUCLEAR.
core of the matter
exploding outward
passionate fusion
Writing prompt word for February 10 : NOVEL (as an adjective, not a noun).
a novel idea?
nothing new under the sun
parallels in time
Writing prompt word for February 11: NORTHWEST
Arctic ice melts ~
opens up Northwest Passage
climate change
Writing prompt word for February 12: NUMERIC.
counts baby’s fingers
then she counts her baby’s toes
all add up - she smiles
Writing prompt word for February 13: NEWFANGLED
five, seven, five - or
try newfangled notions
English haiku
Writing prompt word for February 14: NEUTER
for many - Valentine’s Day is ineffective
Writing prompt word for February 15: NEST
cosy place
for comfort and security
Writing prompt word for February 16: NICKEL.
a nickel is worth five cents
melted down - just three
richer than he thought
Writing prompt word for February 17: NOSEBLEED
at sunset
waterfall flows from jutting cliff
Writing prompt word for February 18: NEON
orange-red glow
in high-voltage electric field
colourless gas
Writing prompt word for February 19: NUANCE.
same words
can have many meanings
said by different people
Writing prompt word for February 20: NOTEBOOK.
they disappear
thoughts captured
Writing prompt word for February 21: NEWLYWED
wedding ~ apple blossom confetti
Writing prompt word for February 22: NUDGE
a gentle reminder encourages without blame
Writing prompt word for February 23: NAME (or NICKNAME).
fad among the young
ZZ replaced the end of names
Mum became Muzz
Writing prompt word for February 24: NAG.
Conscience - the constant nag
Writing prompt word for February 25: NAVIGATE.
migrating birds
fly thousands of miles
how do they know the route?
Writing prompt word for February 26: NARROW.
if life seems narrow - expand your horizons
Writing prompt word for February 27: NOMINATE.
I nominate
for motivation
Writing prompt word for February 28: NEGLECT.
old ideas grow rusty
old poems grow dusty
time to face new dawn
That's all, folks!
Note: These poems were also posted in the Haiku Forum at
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