Friday, 30 January 2015

Cocooned !

A haiga...(for the uninitiated (!) that's a haiku with an image.)

sitting -
under snow-covered glass roof

Friday: Snow is forecast for here every day now until Tuesday! Ron and I had our 'flu jabs this morning (first chance what with viruses, colds, Christmas and Spain!) and told there is 'flu in the town and our protection won't kick in for 5 days. But we're well stocked, apart from picking up our ordered bread from the nearby boulangerie on Sunday morning, so happy to stay cocooned in the warm - but not under the glass roof in our chilly "garden room"  - in there just now it did seem strange and closed in.


  1. Hope you manage to keep out of flu's way! I can enjoy one day of being cocooned, but after that cabin fever sets in!

  2. Thanks, Alison. Got plenty indoors to keep me occupied catching up after three visitors for two nights - and still a pile of ironing from post-holiday washing! Letters from Christmas still to answer and then, of course, there's Writers' Dock! Today's snow was wet and has cleared - I think we're in for snow showers and sleet rather than the heavy stuff - I hope!!
