Tuesday, 16 December 2014

Hung up on Christmas.

A Christmas tree was cut down at the lake and brought home to go into what we call the garden room.  That is a large, high room on the first floor, over the garage, with partly-glazed ceiling which compensates for the fact there is no garden or any private space outside.  There are only two opening windows on the walls - one at the back, which is inaccessible from outside, and a small window at the front. 

This should be an interesting episode!

The tree arrives on a trailer, towed by friends, who have helped with the cutting down.

“All” that has to be done is to get it in through the small window…

Well, that went more smoothly than as at first imagined…

Now to stand it up…..

The ups.....

...and downs of anchoring the tree!

Time for a cuppa.

Now to start putting on the lights…

...and more lights...

Yay - mission accomplished!

The other tree decorations will await the arrival of three young girls, coming here with their parents, for Christmas…less than a week away now! 

The small window now has a curtain of lights…

Next to get the furniture arranged…we will be opening presents, having Christmas dinner and other meals in this room and the open log fire will be lit.

Our garden room is gradually transforming into a Christmas room - a veritable Santa’s grotto!


  1. An entertaining foretaste of christmas, Ida. The room looks lovely and the photos bring the story to life!

  2. Thanks very much, Alison. Will take some more shots as things progress!
