We were curious what roads are behind the golden wheat fields which we can only glimpse in the distance through the trees at the bottom of our garden, so set off on a mystery tour.
The roads are mostly byways - narrow lanes with high hedges and a few bends. Luckily we met only two cars which, with a bit of negotiating from both drivers, we were able to pass. We managed, mostly by accident, there being few signposts to cover the circular route from the bottom of our road to the top! But also took other turnings most of the time not really knowing where we were!
We spotted other byways, footpaths and a bridleway. In gaps in the high hedges, we saw that most of the fields were of wheat which had been harvested, others of maize. There were a few isolated farms, houses and one or two small villages, only one boasting a church.
And, on a small crossroads, we spotted a cycle way in a rather dilapidated state…
After nearly an hour, we were amazed to learn from a signpost that we were only 1 ¼ miles from home!