Sunday, 15 November 2015

And still there is war…

Friday the 13th - November 2015 - a black day indeed for Paris with a massive co-ordinated attack by Islamic Terrorists. 

Three days of mourning have been announced and candles burn in windows in remembrance of those who died.

So many atrocities this year that I sometimes feel we are in a third world war.

On Sunday afternoon, the 15th, we were reminded of the First World War and how it affected this area in an exhibition in the Salle des Fêtes. 

It was an excellent display, detailed and thorough…

Sunday, 8 November 2015

November sunshine.

As is to be expected at this time of year, early morning, Sunday 8th November 2015, was foggy but soon gave way to a mini-Indian Summer and the beautiful, warm sunshine was unexpected but very welcome.  The outside temperature was 17 degrees but it felt much warmer. I wore a coat ‘just in case’ on my walk to the boulangerie this morning. This afternoon I didn’t need a coat at all…nor a scarf or gloves, both of which have recently had to come out of the wardrobe to ward off the damp chill. The sky wasn’t completely clear but the light clouds were thin and wispy.

Early afternoon we set off for Verdun through the countryside on the north-west side of the city.  There is still a lot of autumn colour around and we were surprised at how quickly the fields between the forests are already greening with next year’s crops. We arrived in the city and after a short hunt found a parking spot where we could just walk across the road into Parc Japiot.  Just a few people about initially but soon after 2.00. p.m. - after the two-hour "midi" - families and groups of friends started arriving to stroll through the park and excited young children raced to the children’s play area, which is well equipped.  The park is a delight and we too enjoyed our stroll.

The pond.

Winter berries for the birds.

A tree still has plenty of golden leaves but has shed many on the ground - below.

Bandstand - or perhaps just a shelter.

View of part of the city on the other side of the River Meuse.

We thought these were great and haven't seen them elsewhere...
Single-seat benches - well you don't always want to site beside a stranger!  

Children at play...

Another view across the river.

A path runs between the park and the river.

To the left, the old gateway into the city.


Towards the childrens' play area.

A small bed of blue cornflowers - a Remembrance flower.

Men sweep away a carpet of crunchy leaves to uncover the petanque area.

On the way back, north of the city, we took the snaking road which climbs up and over the Hautes de Meuse.  Many trees have shed their leaves but some are still very colourful and I managed a few quick shots through the car window.

It was good to be able to take advantage of the beautiful day. Hope there are more days like this before winter arrives!